Manitoba Opera

The Asper Foundation: Creating Positive Change Through Philanthropy

Jun 24, 2024

For The Asper Foundation, support for Manitoba Opera comes from a very personal place.

The late Babs Asper was a champion of culture who demonstrated unwavering support for the local arts, even serving on the Manitoba Opera Board of Trustees through the 1980s. This commitment is echoed by her daughter, Gail Asper, O.C., O.M., LL.D., Chair and Trustee of The Asper Foundation, whose love of opera extends to her having sung in the chorus for several of the company’s productions.

The Asper Foundation is a remarkable example of how philanthropy can nourish and sustain culture through generations. Their support has helped foster and showcase homegrown talent, nurture emerging artists, and promote the city’s cultural potential. As Gail says, “A thriving arts sector is the heart of any city, and Winnipeg is fortunate to have a professional opera company.”

The Asper Foundation was established over four decades ago by Israel and Babs Asper, and is rooted in the Jewish principle of Tikkun Olam, which emphasizes repairing and improving the world. This guiding principle continues to shape the Foundation’s vision and decision-making process.

They are dedicated to creating positive change through philanthropic generosity aimed toward culture, education, the environment, health, sports, community development, and human rights. Through these efforts, the Foundation’s objective is to create a lasting impact locally, and on the world, and hopes to inspire others to do the same.

The Asper Foundation’s influence on opera in this community has been significant. The Foundation supports initiatives like the Opera Access Program which provides complimentary tickets that ensure anyone can experience the power of opera. The Foundation also provides critical financial support for the company’s productions, education programs, community engagement, and operations. These investments help to ensure that world-class opera remains first-rate and will be available to Manitobans for generations to come.

The partnership between The Asper Foundation and Manitoba Opera is so much more than just philanthropic support; it is a symphony of shared values and passions that deepens the tones in the cultural fabric of Manitoba.

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