Volunteers are essential to the success of Manitoba Opera.
Each season volunteers provide hundreds of hours of their time, skills, and expertise in a wide variety of areas from stuffing envelopes to assisting patrons in the lobby at performances and sitting on the Board of Trustees. As a volunteer, you have the opportunity to meet new people, learn new things, and see operas for FREE!
From teenagers to long-time patrons and corporate citizens, Manitoba Opera volunteers come from all walks of life and from all age groups and backgrounds.
Being a volunteer is a great way to enhance your opera experience. Volunteers are also provided with complimentary tickets to performances.
Volunteer Opportunities:
- Membership on the Board of Trustees and sitting on its committees
- Staffing tables and assisting patrons during performances
- General office duties
- Assisting with mailings
- Staffing information tables
- Assisting at community engagement and special events